
 Ending Violence Against Children in Juvenile Justice Systems: From Words to Action

DCI hosted an International Child Rights Conference and Training in Brussels, Belgium from October 1-3, 2008.

Please click below to read the conference news release in:

English / Fran�ais / Espa�ol

Click here to read DCI's Brussels Declaration in: EN / FR / ES



Panel Discussion - GC 10: Children's Rights in Juvenile Justice

On the 5th of June 2008, Defence for Children International (DCI) organised a Panel Discussion entitled �Protecting the Rights of Children in Juvenile Justice Systems: Follow-up to General Comment No.10�. The panel was chaired by DCI�s founder and child rights expert Nigel Cantwell. Panellists included Nevena Vuckovic Sahovic and Jean Zermatten, members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child; Virginia Murillo Herrera, DCI Vice President for Latin America; and, Davinia Ovett, Secretariat Coordinator of the Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice.

The objectives of this event were to raise awareness about pressing issues in juvenile justice, and relevant international standards, specifically the Committee on the Rights of the Child�s General Comment No.10 �Children�s Rights in Juvenile Justice� (GC 10).  This event was part of DCI�s wider international programme aimed at promoting the use of GC 10 and monitoring its implementation.

Click the links below to read the full report in:

English / Fran�ais


YCare International Conference: "Youth Justice in Action"

On June 30th, 2007 DCI the staff of DCI's International Secretariat delivered an Interactive Workshop for youth on the 'Rights of Young People in Conflict with the Law'.

Please click here to the read more about this event.



 Juvenile Justice
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